
How Do Gadgets Work?

Understand the inner science, tech, and AI of your gadgets with me, a Carnegie Mellon alumnus. Join 205+ readers every other Wednesday to see the world differently in just 3 minutes—regardless of your background! 🚀

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How do Airport body scanners work?

Hey Reader, Happy Wednesday! I'm taking a short break for the first time in the last 2 years of writing this newsletter, so I'm resending one of the most opened and popular newsletters this week. Thank you all for your support! Let’s look at how Airport body scanning technology works this week. It is also called Millimeter wave detection and spot this title written on one of these machines the next time you are at an airport. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them...

Hey Reader, Happy Wednesday! Last week, I finished my swimming classes in India and ‘almost’ learned to swim. Let’s look at how Ships work this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer Ships float because they are less dense than water. Though made of dense materials like steel, ships have hollow interiors filled with air, reducing their overall...

Hey Reader, Happy Friday! Last week, I came to India to visit my family and friends. I fell sick so I’m sending this newsletter on a Friday instead of the usual Wednesdays. Thank you for the support! Let’s look at how a watch works this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer A quartz watch uses the piezoelectric effect. A quartz crystal vibrates...

Hey Reader, Happy Thursday! I went to Michigan for the last long weekend. Let’s look at how QR codes work this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer A QR code encodes data, such as a URL, into a grid of black and white squares. When scanned by a phone camera, the code is decoded into readable information. Key components include square markers for...

Hey Reader, Happy Wednesday! Let’s look at how streetlights work this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer Street lights use cadmium sulfide (CdS) photo-resistors to turn on automatically. These photocells change electrical resistance based on light levels: low resistance in daylight and high resistance at night. This change is detected by a circuit...

Hey Reader, Happy Wednesday! Let’s look at how Smoke Detectors in your home and office spaces work this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer Ionization smoke detectors, suited for flaming fires, contain radioactive material Americium between two charged plates. This material emits alpha particles, creating a current by ionizing air. But smoke...

Hey Reader, Happy Thursday! Last week, I visited Mendocino, a village in California for the long weekend. Let’s look at how frisbees work this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer The frisbee spin creates gyroscopic stability, keeping it oriented correctly. Its aircraft wing-like shape generates lift through Bernoulli's principle, where faster air...

Hey friends, Happy Wednesday! Last week, I hosted dinner for a couple of friends at my place. Let’s look at how fingerprint scanner works this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! Here is a simplified version of the complex process of fingerprint reading and registering. How it works: 15-second answer Fingerprint technology uses the distinct ridges and valleys on our fingers for...

Hey friends, Happy Wednesday! Last week, I went to the birthday party of my first cousin once removed. Let’s look at how a TV remote works this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer When a button is pressed, your TV remote emits infrared light pulses from an LED. Each button press sends a unique series of light pulses (using light ON and OFF),...

Hey gadgeteers, Happy Wednesday! Last week, I tried Escape Room experience with a couple of my friends for the first time. Let’s look at how Breathalyzer (Alcohol detector) works this week. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for food, etc. Let's jump in! How it works: 15-second answer Breathalyzer technology measures blood alcohol concentration (BAC) by analyzing exhaled air. After drinking, alcohol is absorbed...